It has been a fantastic show for Future Stars team over the last 2 weeks at CSI Zuidwolde in Holland. Two of our 5 yo horses jumped clear both demanding finals each week, being placed 3rd & 4th in the 1st week and 5th and 10th in the 2nd week. Our 6 yo princess Ivory Coast showed her fantastic form by jumping clear all 3 days in the 1st week and making another step up by jumping her 1st 1.30 international classes together with mature horses in the 2nd week, proving her courage and quality in the young age. We would like to thank to our Future Stars team members, for their support and positive energy ✌🏻🏇🏻🏆💫✨ Now Sandra Piwowarczyk & her horses will have a well deserved holiday break and will be back in the ring in September 💥🏇🏻💥🏇🏻 #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #aimhighflyhigh #followthebluestars
